Is your child extremely talented in dancing or singing? With the shift in focus from Ministry of Education (MOE) from results to skills, students can now apply to their dream school now based on their talent in Performing Arts, Sports and specific Academic areas! However there is just so much information out there for Direct school admissions and it may get a little confusing... let us share with you more on Direct School Admissions!

What is Direct School Admission (DSA)?
Direct school admission allows Primary 6 students to use their skills in performing arts, sports, or other specific Academic areas to enter their dream secondary school. Which are the schools that accepts DSA?
For the list of schools available, do refer to: When should my child start preparing for DSA?
As Schools who admit students via DSA generally require an Audition Video or a Portfolio stating your Child's track record in their given field of expertise, students can start preparing for this portfolio from as young as Primary 3.
How do we start preparing for DSA?
There are a number of courses that will help your child in this process. These courses are the examinable ones such as LCM or CSTD examinations. You'll have to build up your child's portfolio by taking those accredited examinations. Apart from having to prepare your child's portfolio, the audition video and Interview Skills are equally important.
Preparing for DSA might be stressful, however, with the right help, it will be just as FUN to prepare for it! The DSA Academy (a subsidiary of MADDspace - School of Music, Art, Drama & Dance) helps guide you and your Child towards doing the right thing and going through the right path.
To find out more about them, visit:
Your child's passion is the beginning of their success, we hope that your child will continue to work hard for their passion and enter their dream school!